BCYMP strives to increase resiliency of young people in our community and add protective factors by building and supporting consistent, encouraging relationships with trained, caring adults.
We envision a future in which all youth in Brookings County have developmental relationships with adults who express care, provide support, challenge growth, share power, and expand possibilities.
Our Core Values

Strong positive relationships are critical across all parts of young people’s lives, but too many grow up without a strong support network of relationships. We do all we can to increase the number of developmental relationships our youth have.

BCYMP believes that the best community for youth is one in which all organizations work together to support their healthy development. We actively participate in the exchange of resources and ideas so that Brookings County can best support its youth.

BCYMP is committed to building reciprocal relationships and creating environments in which youth, families and BCYMP volunteers are treated with dignity, heart, and respect.

Generational Impact
BCYMP believes that each mentoring relationship we build and support has the power to change lives--including those lives that Mentees will touch in the future.
Our Program
BCYMP is a mentoring program for all K-12 students in Brookings County. Any parenting adult may request a BCYMP Mentor by filling our online application form or talking with a school counselor or another adult who supports your child(ren). BCYMP focuses on increasing the resiliency and positive social skills of youth through evidence-based youth mentoring. BCYMP is a 501c3 incorporated in April of 2001.
BCYMP has 1:1 community-based youth mentoring and small group mentoring opportunities. We follow best practices in youth mentoring as established by MENTOR: The National Mentoring Partnership, and everything we do is focused on building and sustaining healthy relationships.
BCYMP Mentors, staff and program volunteers are trauma-informed and also trained in Search Institute’s Developmental Relationships Framework (2017). Research shows that youth with strong relationships across contexts are more likely to have healthy attitudes and assets, and less likely to engage in risk-taking behaviors that ultimately result in long-term negative social and health outcomes. Mentoring changes lives.
In 2021, BCYMP received their Disability Mentoring Certification. To complete their certification, BCYMP staff completed over 20 hours of online coursework, contributed to weekly discussion posts, and attended live webinars and cohort convenings, while also creating a plan to improve the disability inclusion practices in their organization. BCYMP was one of just 23 organizations in the nation that completed their full certification.
Hear From Our Mentors
"Mentoring showed me that it is important to consistently be there for someone, and it helped me develop more meaningful relationships outside of BCYMP."
"I mentor because it is an awesome way to encourage a child in the community and to be a friend to someone who might be going through a hard time."
"I think that BCYMP Mentoring is empowering. Kids need a network. It can’t always be one person."
Connecting Across the Miles (or Just Across Town)
Do you want to make an airplane? This is a very popular activity for our matches lately!Due to the social distancing requirements, mentoring has looked a bit different this Spring, but BCYMP and our Mentoring Pairs have adapted. Recently, over a 6-week period, with the partnership of Avera Behavioral Health’s […]
Mentoring at a Distance
BCYMP’s first Core Value is Relationship, so during this time of social distancing, we have prioritized keeping our BCYMP Mentoring Pairs and Volunteers connected. We continue to share resources with our BCYMP Mentors from The National Mentoring Partnership on how to maintain connection at a distance. These include being mindful […]
Brookings: Together We CANNS Do It
by Nikki Eining, MSW CSW-PIP QMHP April brings us all a new journey this year. This journey can look very different for each of us, yet similar in a lot of ways. Working from home, temporarily losing a job, enjoying spending extra time with our children, learning how to be […]
Donate $1 to Support Youth Resiliency
Written by Laura Hoiten Hy-Vee Giving Tag Program Brookings County Youth Mentoring Program (BCYMP) is participating in the Hy-Vee Giving Tag Program for April. BCYMP builds relationships and provides trained mentors for K-12 students in order to increase resiliency of young people in our community. Our #1 core value is […]